Our Open-source Friends

In Novu, we are proud to collaborate with a diverse group of partners to promote open-source software and the values of transparency, collaboration, and community that it represents.

  • BoxyHQ


    BoxyHQ’s suite of APIs for security and privacy helps engineering teams build and ship compliant cloud applications faster.

    Visit BoxyHQ
  • Cal.com


    Cal.com is a scheduling tool that helps you schedule meetings without the back-and-forth emails.

    Visit Cal.com
  • Crowd.dev


    Centralize community, product, and customer data to understand which companies are engaging with your open source project.

    Visit Crowd.dev
  • Documenso


    The Open-Source DocuSign Alternative. We aim to earn your trust by enabling you to self-host the platform and examine its inner workings.

    Visit Documenso
  • Formbricks


    Survey granular user segments at any point in the user journey. Gather up to 6x more insights with targeted micro-surveys. All open-source.

    Visit Formbricks
  • GitWonk


    GitWonk is an open-source technical documentation tool, designed and built focusing on the developer experience.

    Visit GitWonk
  • Erxes


    The Open-Source HubSpot Alternative. A single XOS enables to create unique and life-changing experiences ​​that work for all types of business.

    Visit Erxes
  • Hanko


    Open-source authentication and user management for the passkey era. Integrated in minutes, for web and mobile apps.

    Visit Hanko
  • Hook0


    Open-Source Webhooks-as-a-service (WaaS) that makes it easy for developers to send webhooks.

    Visit Hook0
  • HTMX


    HTMX is a dependency-free JavaScript library that allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events directly in HTML.

    Visit HTMX
  • Infisical


    Open source, end-to-end encrypted platform that lets you securely manage secrets and configs across your team, devices, and infrastructure.

    Visit Infisical
  • OpenBB


    Democratizing investment research through an open-source financial ecosystem. The OpenBB Terminal enables global investment research.

    Visit OpenBB
  • Sniffnet


    Sniffnet is a network monitoring tool to help you easily keep track of your Internet traffic.

    Visit Sniffnet
  • Typebot


    Typebot gives you powerful blocks to create unique chat experiences. Embed them anywhere on your apps and start collecting results like magic.

    Visit Typebot
  • Webiny


    Open-source enterprise-grade serverless CMS. Own your data. Scale effortlessly. Customize everything.

    Visit Webiny
  • Webstudio


    Webstudio is an open source alternative to Webflow.

    Visit Webstudio

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