Flexible pricing
for companies and developers
Start Building$0
/ month
Start for free. Essential features, no limits on subscribers.
- 10K events/month included
- Multi-Channel Support: Email, In-app, SMS, Chat, Push
- Unlimited Subscribers
- Up to 20 Workflows
- 2 Environments
- Activity Feed Retention: 24 hours
- Up to 3 Team Members
Start Free Trial$30
/ month
Go pro. More scale, better retention, no branding.
Everything in Free, plus...
- 30K events/month included
- Activity Feed Retention: 7 days
- Remove Novu Branding
Start Free Trial$250
/ month
For growing teams. Higher limits, full control.
Everything in Pro, plus...
- 250K events/month included
- Up to 10 Environments
- Activity Feed Retention: 90 days
- Unlimited Team Members
- Unlimited Workflows
Contact usCustom
Unlimited power. Built for scale.
Everything in Team, plus...
- 5M events/month included
- Unlimited Environments
- Custom Activity Feed Retention
- Custom Delay duration
- Custom Digest duration
Compare our plans
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