
Expand your reach with multi-channel notifications

Add new notification channels to your app faster than you can brew a pot of coffee.

  • Endless provider integrations

    Batteries included. Use our dozens of pre-built provider integrations, or easily extend Novu through your own custom one.

  • Content centralization

    Enable frictionless collaboration between developers and product teams with centralized content management.

  • Unified API

    Integrate Novu with your application once, and access any delivery provider instantly.

  • Multi-channel

    Send notifications via email, SMS, push, chat, in-app, and more. Reach users through the most effective channels.

  • Observability

    Gain clear visibility into how and why a notification was (or was not) sent so you can optimize strategies and efficiently debug.

  • User preferences

    Your end users directly set and configure their preferred communication methods, times, languages, and more.

Adding new notification channels is costly and complex

More channels and content sources means more complexity, risk, and team friction.

Create template

High costs

DIY notifications infrastructure requires significant engineering effort, distracting teams from adding value to their products.

Connect providers

Integration complexity

Every new channel comes with a new custom integration, content source requirement, and ongoing maintenance burden.

Add trigger

Inconsistent user experiences

When product teams cannot easily manage and iterate on content, user experiences suffer... and so does your brand.

All of the flexibility of DIY, none of the hassle

Increase end user engagement with multi-channel notifications and centralized content.

Extensible integrations

Integrates with all popular providers and channels, and you can easily extend support to your own custom code.

Engage end-users regardless of channel

Easily implement multi-channel notifications and flexible provider management, boosting platform user engagement.

Reduce friction between development and product teams

Eliminate productivity barriers when developers provide notifications infrastructure to product teams. Development teams focus on core app value while product iterates.

Ship faster

Engineering teams easily deliver notification capabilities into the applications.

Want to learn more?

Read the Docs

Feature descriptions, how-to guides, and more

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