The JavaScript-native Notification Framework for Developers

Fully extensible open source notifications infrastructure framework for Next.js and more that empowers developers to provide an easy-to-use notifications platform to product teams.

Used by innovative companies worldwide

  • Unity logo
  • MongoDB logo
  • hemnet logo
  • Siemens logo
  • Capgemini logo
  • Mateo logo
  • Rankmi logo
  • Traace logo
  • Tenderd logo
  • Novacy logo
  • Mundi logo
  • Feegow logo

Built by developers,
used by the rest of the team

Unapologetically built for development teams to provide notifications infrastructure to their product and business. Eliminate the expense and burden of building and maintaining home-grown notifications infrastructure, and still keep all of the flexibility you need and want.

1import { workflow, CronExpression } from '@novu/framework';
2import { z } from 'zod';
3import { render } from '@react-email/components';
5const weeklyComments = workflow('weekly-comments', async (event) => {
6  const digest = await event.step.digest('digest-comments', (controls) => ({
7    cron: controls.schedule
8  }), { controlSchema: z.object({ schedule: z.nativeEnum(CronExpression) }) });
10  await'digest-email', async (controls) => ({
11    subject: controls.subject,
12    body: render(<WeeklyDigestEmail {...controls} events={} />)
13  }), {
14    skip: () => !,
15    controlSchema: z.object({
16      subject: z.string().default('Hi {{subscriber.firstName}} - Acme Comments'),
17      openAiModel: z.enum(['gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-4o']).default('gpt-4o'),
18      aiPrompt: z.string().default('Produce a concise comment digest'),
19    })
20  });
21}, { payloadSchema: z.object({ name: z.string(), comment: z.string() }) });
23await weeklyComments.trigger({
24  payload: { name: 'John', comment: 'Are you free to give me a call?' },
25  to: ''

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Integrates easily, delivers powerful notifications

  • Powerful workflows

    Powerful workflows

    Code-first workflows that can be run inside your own IT boundary.

  • Inbox


    Easily integrate and deploy notifications right into your application via components.

  • End user preferences

    End user preferences

    Enable end users to set contact preferences like language, timezone, and channels.

  • No-code editor

    No-code editor

    Product teams can manage workflow configurations without the risk of breaking notification flows.

  • Multi-channel, multi-framework

    Multi-channel, multi-framework

    Access any channel provider, and use any content framework, all with one API.

  • API-first, and open-source backed

    API-first, and open-source backed

    Native developer experience that’s backed by a huge community.

Complete control and flexibility

Development teams have complete flexibility and control over notifications. Product teams maintain seamless input and control over content, messaging, and brand so they can iterate quickly—all without developer input, and by using an intuitive and capable UI.

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Integrates with anything

Built from scratch to integrate your existing tooling and content with the Novu Platform.

  • MJML
  • NestJS
  • Remix
  • Zod
  • Hono
  • NextJS
  • React Email
  • LaunchDarkly
  • Express
  • Koa

and literally anything else...

Fully featured Notification Inbox in minutes

Include a real-time Notification Center using our embeddable components or connect your custom UI with our notification feed API.

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Confidently reach end users through notifications

Developers build capable, functional workflows using the frameworks and content components they love. Product and non-technical teams easily update content and messaging, and will never break prod.

  • As flexible as in-house built

    All of the power of your custom-built solution, none of the hassle.

  • Type-Safe

    Bring your own JSON schemas for full end-to-end validation across all your team members.

  • Observable and Scalable

    Novu handles any volume, any channel, and any team for mission-critical notifications.

  • Consistent

    Notification infrastructure belongs in your CI/CD release cycle.

Loved by developers and product teams

Explore tweets from developers and non-technical users and see why they're fans of our open-source notifications framework.

Get started now

Create and send your first code-based notification in minutes before your coffee gets cold.

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