We are happy to take part in
Hacktoberfest 2023
How to contribute
to open issuesWe have a curated list of Hacktoberfest issues that are ready for you to pick up.
Build a demo app
Build a demo app of your choice using Novu to deliver notifications
Write a blog post
Made a PR? Have used Novu in a recent project? Tell the world about it in form of an blog post, article or guide
Make a tutorial
Create a video tutorial or a written one, help new users and maintainers get started with Novu!
Win a swag pack for just 3 merged PRs!

Very special Novu T-shirts + Stickers pack
Global events
Hacktoberfest events are happening all month long so you can join your friends day or night, from dusk to dawn, as you work to complete your pull/merge requests.
Community Heroes
Novu is more than just a notification system. It's a community. We want to let other people achieve a better status in our community by offering incentives unrelated to money.
How it worksJoin to our community
Frequently Asked Questions
Looking for answers? Here are some common questions we've been asked.